Anyway, onto my "Time" layout which is the first of 10 double layouts that we're doing for Shimelle's "My Freedom" class.

Oh I nearly forgot: Cindy you asked about the digital scrapping courses by Jessica Sprague that I have taken. You asked: "What do you think of the digital classes by Jessica Sprague? Do you think it is worth the money? I've been thinking about them - but didn't know.... " Okay let's see. I have taken two classes now (the beginner and the intermediate one). This is actually going to be tricky to answer as you have to keep in mind that when I signed up for the first class in May, I had done NO digital scrapbooking at all. Nothing. I had no clue where to start. Also I had only started using PSE this year. So for me, I loved them and I don't regret for a moment that I took them. You know, it was the prefect thing to learn everything from scratch? So, if you have some digital scrapping experience would be very hard for me to say "oh yes I definitely recommend it to you" as it could be that you would just do things you already know. Does that make sense? But for a total beginner, I would say that the classes by Jessica Sprague are a fantastic way to start you off digital scrapping. Hope that was of some help :)
I've just got today's promptfrom Shimelle in the last hour so I'm off with a pen and paper to try and work out some ideas. Today is "photography" day and we're dealing with "inspiration" and "aspiration"...
Great LO! TFS
Where is your rss link?
Your LO is stunning, I love the contrast of the pink and green.
looks good!
Pretty layout! Love the clock tower!
Completely I am gotten passionate by its creations!
I am divulging its blog in a scrapbook community, if it will not have problems.
Congratulations, and much success!
fab LO love all the colours and the photo of the clock
Hi response to your commenter re taking Jessica's courses. I've done all her courses so far and did the beginners one after I'd played around for a couple of years with PSE and I still learnt so much from her classes. There's always something you don't know, or a better way to do something plus Jessica is a wealth of info regarding where to shop, freebies, offers plus she has her huge forum so from my point, it is still definitely worth taking even if you've been using PSE already. I can't believe how much more I can do in PSE thanks so Jessica's classes plus the confidence she's given me to just play! Just thought I'd let you know! She's the only person I recommend if someone asks me how they get into digi... :)
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