Monday, April 02, 2007

Trying to catch up...

We're on week 5 of the "My Word" class over on BPS. But since I was ill the other week I have got hopelessly behind. Or so I thought. The last few days I have tried really hard to catch up. I'm now up-to-date with the weekly audio files. Also I have done all but one of the writing prompts that we get (4 a week). So that feels really good!

I still have the weekly PDFs and the assignments in them. I have just finished week 3 and I'm currently working on week 4. So I'm slowly getting there - which feels really great. At one stage I thought it was impossible for me to catch up.

Anyway, back to my "week 3" layout. I have to say I really struggled with the PDF. Reading some of the grammar parts I really felt I was reading Greek (ie didn't understand a thing). Okay so English is not my first language and I guess it's totally understandable that something like that would be difficult for me. Yet it's so difficult not to be too hard on yourself when you just don't get something. I have to admit to being close to giving up...

Then I just got really determind and sat down with pen and paper and wrote down each sentence of my journaling as I went along and worked things out. And I did it - I got my journaling done!! To be honest I'm not sure I got it 100% right (maybe I did, maybe I didn't)...I really don't know. But I guess what matters is that I tried, I did it and I didn't give up on it just because it seemed impossible for me to understand. I improved my journaling from how I first would have written it and that means I achieved something good! So ---> yay for that! LOL!


  1. Oh Anso, I am so happy for you about getting your own little scraproom. It's always fun to get the little things in life. I love the layout!! very creative with the arrow. Is that scenic route? by the way I bought some of that glossy stuff told me about and its so fab!!! I just love it. Now I have to stop using it everything.

  2. I am so glad I'm not alone with the my word class. I was sick for two weeks and with the choosing joy class, heidi's class, and Lisa's class oh my goodness. I totally fell behind. This week is catch up. Love all your stuff. You totally inspire me.

  3. oooh i wish i had a scraproom, it would be such bliss, just as you describe... but ten week old Riley now has claim on our only spare room!! Love your LO as usual. x

  4. Ooooops, was logged in as Hubby lol!

  5. Yay indeed ... fabulous layout, love the colours and the big arrow and flowers look great. Well done! :)
