Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas Album... Preparation Time...

Well it's that time of year again. Time to get ready to do my yearly December album, or my "Christmas Album" as I call it :) I'm doing my usual thing of 31 days from Dec 1st-31st. Works for me :)

(That's what's been happening on my desk this week)

I had a quick look at my previous albums. And there's quite a few. I have six already! Which kinda surprised me :) I spent some time thinking about what size and shape I preferred through the years. I have squares and rectangles, bigger and smaller ones...

I quickly came to the conclusion that I'm not too keen on square albums and this year I fancied making a portrait style one. I like it when I can fit 2 15x10 cm (6x4 inch) photos to a page, so I decided to make my covers a bit bigger than that. And yes I made my album completely from scratch, just like many I have done before. It just makes me happy :)

I think my album cover ended up being about 23x16 cm. But I'm not totally sticking to that format at all! Something that I have really learnt over the years is that I L-O-V-E working with the mixed page sizes. Totally love having the freedom for larger pages when I have lots of photos (or lots to say) and smaller on the less significant days. So a mix of page sizes it is.

I have not done too much preparation when it comes to the inside pages. Purely because I want to be able to have the flexibility of grabbing a larger or smaller page on the day. So it's pretty much a pile of patterned paper pages cut to different sizes at the moment.

Oh and for those who have done some clever spotting work in the photo above, yes I've decided to bind my album with the biggest o-wire and my Bind-It-All at the end. I did that another year and it works well as long as I keep in mind that I can't do too bulky pages as I work on them.

Bring on December :)

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