Friday, December 09, 2011

Christmas Album 2011 | Day 3...

Time to make Christmas cards. I always make cards for close family & friends and the rest get bought. It's a happy middle ground. :)

Already after the summer I start playing with card ideas in my head. They evolve, they change, they get abandoned... I just let whatever happen with my thoughts happen. Then I make a "prototype". This might get slightly altered by the time we make the batch of cards but it's pretty much what we stick to. If I haven't made the prototype by the end of October/early November I get stressed about it. And I always get stressed about it LOL!

Anyway the prototype got made late November and at the weekend we sat down and made out cards. And yes, I said we. And yes I get help by my other half! It's kinda become a tradition by now. He's quite happy to help as long as he gets "jobs" to do that doesn't involve very much previous crafty skills. Punching (loved the corner chomper!) and other rewarding jobs are always popular, but I even got him to quite happily colour with Copics this year :)

(And NO we do not have a giant snowflake on the wall LOL! I realised it looked like this when I saw the photo of this page. In reality (looking at the page) it's very obvious to see that it's a kraft snowflake embellishment with glitter which I have added on top of the photo. It made me giggle when I saw the photo though :))

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