Sunday, May 09, 2010


And my hybrid card making continues this weekend... :)

This time I have used this cute collab kit by Kay Miller and SMJ Designs. I guess it's originally a Valentine's Day kit but seriously it's never the wrong time to tell someone that you love them :)

This is the card I made. Unfortunately the light is terrible here (what a cold and wet weekend it's been - brrrr!) so they photo isn't the greatest...

[Supplies: Follow Your Heart - Kay Miller, SMJ Designs (from Kay Miller Designs)]

And this is the cute kit that I used. You can get it from Kay Miller Designs. A great place to shop if you ask me :)

Now can someone please tell the weather that it's supposed to be MAY and that we'd like some sumery weather please :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh you do such cute work Anso! I love your card! Just adorable! Love how you used the word art! So fabulous! Thank you so much!!
