Friday, December 01, 2006

And the journal is started... excited to find the first prompt waiting for me when I got up this morning! Spent the morning cutting pages to size to fit my Christmas journal and also stamping loads of little date images and cutting them out. So now I'm all ready and prepared. :)
Then I went to do my first page for my journal. Kind of like an intro page. I'm not quite sure why I'm bothering putting a photo of it here, because it really looks rather horrible on the photo compared to in real life. LOL! I have used Basic Grey Blitzen (which I will use through out my album) and lots of ink and some little star shaped jewels etc.

The journaling reads: "My Christmas Journal 2006. I love Christmas...I think it must be my most favourite time of the year. All the cosy lights, the scents, the planning & the excitement. Been wanting to do a Christmas journal for a while now. So this year it's going to happen! I just hope I can keep it up, as I know I will love the finished journal. Anso" ...and it's dated "Dec 1".

Yesterday I spent most of the day working on something secret and exciting! Something which I can show you tomorrow...


  1. I wouldn't say it looks horrible - I'm glad you shared. Can't wait to see how it developes


  2. It doesn't look horrible to me Anso, though I would love to see it IRL..It sounds lovely the colours are so seasonal Thanks for sharing.

    I have signed up for Shimelle's class too - but am not very good at posting my work and being a very new blogger not too good at that yet!!

